When you spend a year between campaigns, it gives you time to make up a lot of stuff! Here are all the files related to the campaign, all the handouts, the player’s character sheets, the custom class I made Anna, the changes I made to the Ranger and the Beastmaster for Tom and then some extra stuff at the end that EVEN THE PLAYERS HAVE NEVER SEEN OMG.
These are the three handouts I gave the players. I wrote these over a series of months, they didn’t get them all in one go.
Campaigns I’d Like To Run
The New Recruit (removed)
Who Are The Chain?
Where to Watch/Listen:
We play every Wednesday at 7:00PM Pacific (UTC-0800) on Twitch; you can watch the video on Twitch immediately after we’re done broadcasting, and we put it up on YouTube 48-72 hours later (depending on how long it takes to process). We also put the audio up as a podcast through this website and it’s available on most other popular podcast platforms, all of which you can find here.
The Illrigger
This is a custom class I made for Anna after she told me she wanted to be a Paladin of Asmodeus! She had a couple of different paladin oaths she was looking at but none were exactly what she wanted. I knew she was thinking about playing an evil tiefling paladin, but when she said “Paladin of Asmodeus” I was like WAIT!!
Inspired, I made this. This is super pre-alpha stuff, never tested. People will have strong reactions to it. It will get tweaked during play based primarily on what Anna and I and the rest of the players think.
Matt’s Ranger/Beastmaster
Tom said he wanted to be a ranger with a cool pet. But he doesn’t know the monsters in D&D and didn’t know what his options were. So we looked at the Monster Manual!
At first he thought a Bulette for a pet would be neat, but he settled on Displacer Beast. Of course this meant I had to sort of cook the books so he could do that.
As he was reading the Ranger/Beastmaster, asking questions about what his pet would be able to do, he got frustrated with his options. I figured there was probably a way to let him play the class the way he imagined without it being stupidly overpowered (just regular overpowered!) and that’s this.
Like the Illrigger, it will require a lot of tweaking in play, that’s not unusual. But if Tom’s having fun and the other players don’t feel like they’re being outshined, I’ll be happy.
The Pugilist
Phil’s character, The Lieutenant, is using the Pugilist class created by Benjamin Huffman.
These are the player’s character sheets. They are the same ones the players are using at the table. Each player makes their own decisions about which character sheet to use.
Player: PHIL
COPPEr & bigcat
pLAYER: tom
Leech & Odie
Player: O’D